
ManageYourOwnSite.com is a web development company created by a teacher, ocean sailor, and web site enthusiast who bought his first domain name and published his first web site in 1995. Since then, this ocean sailor has been integrating web technologies and teaching web site classes at a public high school in Pennsylvania.

The owner has taught web site design classes for the PA Department of Education for high school teachers as a way of advancing their digital web skills and integration. His "Create, Publish and Manage" web workshop has been in use since 1999 and many teachers have benefited from the skills learned in that course. Recently he has developed a Joomla Content Management System course which he is teaching as an adult community education course in Southeastern PA at several local high schools.

ManageYourOwnSite.com manages 75 domain names and several company web site projects. The true passion of this company is in helping others learn about web technologies and domain name management. The owner has also volunteered his time and expertise on many web projects and he enjoys helping others take their interests to the web.

We are confident in our web skills and capabilities to assist you with your web site needs and interests.

Please contact us about your desire to Manage Your Own Site and we will set up a CMS system so you can do exactly that.

Take control of your web site, we can help you do this!

Category: Web Pages